Short film rough ideas- experimental?
Someone buys an object with an unsure value, but could
be sentimental and loses it/misplaces it on a bench or someplace else. The object
is then picked up by numerous people and left in many places along the way. The
story is a full cycle and the person ends up finding the same object in the
same place.
Cinematic ideas
Use of hyper lapse and sped up parts of the film to
highlight the manic environment in which the object was left. Aerial shots to
show the vastness of the location and how it is going to be impossible to find.
Very cinematic but maybe de-saturated colour grading, disorientating shots and
a range of speeds and playback types (forward and backwards) Maybe multiple
different outcomes to the film, ie different people find it and what they do with
it. The object may also go around the world, on planes or on trains, just to reduce the chance of it being found, especially in the same place where it was left.
Opening scene
Establishing shots, aerial- using a drone.
Close up shots of the object being brought or found, Hyperlapse shots showing the busyness of the city/location itself- Highlighting how it will be impossible to find, never mind it being returned in the same place.
Filler scenes
if the object is a multi purpose knife, a teenager could find it, use it for something mischievous or illegal, ie breaking a lock or even murder. He throws it into a river to hide the evidence and a camper camping by a stream finds it and uses it to sharpen a stick and to help him around the camp. He then leaves it stuck in a tree and a dog walker finds it and returns it back into the city near to where it was originally found.
The person who lost the object in the first place returns randomly back to where he lost it, and sees the knife stuck in the wood of the bench. He picks it up, and the film ends.
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